OHIP Information

Record #: GRE0383
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2025
Last Full Update: 16 Sep 2019


Description (Service)

What is the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)?

In Canada, the government provides basic health care to those who live here and who meet the eligibility requirements. 
In Ontario, the government-run health plan is called the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). 
OHIP pays for many health care services. OHIP pays for services that are medically necessary. These services include visits to your family doctor and specialists. Most basic and emergency health care services are covered by OHIP. To find out if a procedure or treatment is covered by OHIP, check with a health care professional. 

Do I need a Health Card / OHIP Card?

You usually need a Health Card to get free public health care. The Health Card is sometimes called an OHIP Card. 
If you do not have OHIP, you might be able to get free health care from a Community Health Centre. 

Who is Eligible for OHIP

To be eligible to apply for OHIP, you must be able to answer "yes" to: 
* All statements in Part A; and 
* At least 1 statement in Part B. 
Note: Some people are not eligible for OHIP. Tourists, refugee claimants, foreign (international) students, and some foreign workers cannot apply for OHIP. 
Part A 
You must be able to answer "yes" to each of these statements: 
* Your principal home is in Ontario. 
* You were not away from Ontario for more than 30 days during the first 6 months that you lived here. That means you must be in Ontario for 153 days of the first 183 days that you live in Ontario. 
* You are in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period. 
Part B 
You must be able to answer "yes" to at least 1 of these statements: 
Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents: 
* You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. 
* You are a "protected person," also called a convention refugee. 
* You are registered as an Indian under the Indian Act. (This is for aboriginal people of Canada.) 
* You applied for permanent residence and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) confirmed that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent residence in Canada. This means that you have "approval-in-principle." 
* You have applied for a grant of citizenship under section 5.1 of the Citizenship Act (Canada). IRCC confirmed that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for citizenship. (This is for children adopted internationally by Canadian citizens.) 
Foreign Workers and Their Families: 
* You have a work permit that is valid for at least 6 months. You also have a formal agreement to work full-time for an employer in Ontario. The agreement states the employer's name, your occupation, and states that you will be working for at least 6 consecutive months. 
* You have a valid work permit under the federal Live-In Caregiver program. 
* You hold a valid work permit under the federal Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. 
* You are a foreign clergy member who will serve a religious congregation in Ontario for at least 6 months. 
* Your spouse or same-sex partner is a foreign worker who is eligible for OHIP. 
* You are the dependent child of a foreign worker who is eligible for OHIP. 
Other Temporary Residents: 
* You have a Temporary Resident Permit with case type 80 (for adoption only), 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 or 95. 
You and all members of your family, including babies and children, must have your own health coverage. Each eligible person gets their own Health Card. Carry your Health Card with you. You need to show it every time you need medical services. 
Ministry of Health staff can help you determine if you are eligible for Ontario health coverage. Call the ministry INFOline: 
In Ontario:1-866-532-3161 
In Toronto: 416-314-5518 
TTY: 1-800-387-5559 
Hours of operation: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. You can also email infoline.moh@gov.on.ca. 

How do I Apply for a Health Card (OHIP Card)?

To get a Health Card (OHIP), you have to fill out an application. You also need to collect some documents to submit with your application. Take your completed application and documents to your local Service Ontario OHIP Office 
Important note: You can apply as soon as you have the documents that you need. However, you will not get a Health Card until you are eligible - after the 3-month waiting period.  
Applications can be found online or from your local Service Ontario OHIP Office 

What Documents do I Need to Apply for a Health Card (OHIP)?

To apply for a Health Card (OHIP) you need 3 types of documents. You must bring original documents. You cannot use photocopies. 
You cannot use the same document twice. For example, if you use your Driver's Licence for section 2, you cannot use it again for section 3. You may need additional documents. For example, if you have changed your name, you may need to show a marriage certificate or a change of name certificate. 
You need 1 document from each section: 

1. Proof of Citizenship or OHIP Eligible Status

A document that shows that your immigration status makes you eligible for OHIP. 
Canadian Citizens: 
* Birth Certificate from a Canadian province or territory (issued under the Vital Statistics Act) 
* Canadian Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad 
* Certified Statement of Live Birth from a Canadian province or territory 
* Certificate of Canadian Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization (paper document or card, not commemorative issue) 
* Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card) 
* Registered Indian Record (certified) 
* Valid Canadian Passport or a Canadian passport that has been expired for less than 5 years 
* Temporary Confirmation of Registration Document 
Permanent Residents ("landed immigrants"): 
* Canadian Immigration Identification Card 
* Valid Permanent Resident Card or a Permanent Resident Card that has been expired for less than 5 years 
* Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM5292 or IMM5688) 
* Record of Landing (IMM1000) 
Other Immigration Status: 
* Letter from Immigration and Refugee Board confirming Convention Refugee or Protected Person status 
* Protected Person Status document 
* Temporary Resident Permit (only some cases) 
* Work Permit (only some cases) 
* Written confirmation from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada that you are eligible to apply for permanent residence 
* Written confirmation from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada that you are eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship 
* Verification of status (IMM 5716 or IMM 5715) 

2. Proof of Residency

A document that has your name and current home address. This document confirms that your principal home is in Ontario. 
* Child Tax Benefit Statement 
* Employer record (pay stub or letter from employer on company letterhead) 
* Income tax assessment (most recent) 
* Insurance policy (home, tenant, auto or life) 
* Monthly mailed bank account statements for savings or chequing accounts (does not include receipts, bank books, letters or automated teller receipts) 
* Mortgage, rental or lease agreement 
* Ontario Motor Vehicle Permit (plate or vehicle portions) 
* Property tax bill 
* School, college or university report card or transcript 
* Statement of Direct Deposit for Ontario Works 
* Statement of Direct Deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program 
* Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid T4E 
* Statement of Old Age Security T4A (OAS) or Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits T4A (P) 
* Statement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), or Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) from a financial institution (bank, trust company, credit union) 
* Utility bill received by mail (home telephone, cable TV, public utilities commission, hydro, gas, water) 
* Valid Ontario Driver's Licence 
* Temporary Driver's Licence (you must also show a photo license card with the same address) 
* Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits T5007 
* Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contribution 
* Valid Ontario Photo Card 

3. Support of Identity

A document that has both your name and your signature. 
* Canadian Immigration Identification Card 
* Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (plastic card) 
* Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card) 
* Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM5292, only if signature is displayed) 
* Credit card 
* Current employee ID card or document 
* Current professional association licence 
* Old Age Security card 
* Ontario Motor Vehicle Permit (plate portion) 
* Passport (Canadian or foreign) 
* Permanent Resident Card (only if signature is displayed) 
* Record of Landing (IMM1000) 
* Student ID card 
* Union card 
* Valid Ontario Driver's Licence or Temporary Driver's Licence 
* Valid Ontario Photo Card 
For official information about OHIP eligibility and application, please contact Service Ontario: 
* In Canada: 1-800-268-1154 
* TTY: 1-800-387-5559 
In addition, many settlement agencies can answer your questions about the Health Card. To find help, go to Services Near Me and search for "community health services" or "settlement services" in your area.

Service Details

Areas Served Ontario
Languages English ; French

Address and Location

Located In Community Ontario
Address & Map

Agency Overview