You performed a search for: Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce
There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria.
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Board of Directors Description - Director
Board members are responsible for determining and implementing governance policies and procedures to achieve the mission and mandate of Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Role and Responsibilities
Understand and demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s mission and programs;
Be informed about agency policies and programs in order to support adherence to the National Standards as set out by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada;
Possess knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: policy, finance, programs, personnel, and advocacy;
Contribute skills and knowledge by participating actively in meetings and committee work;
Understand and maintain confidentiality;
Avoid any potential conflicts of interest;
Ensure the organization is complying with all legal and regulatory requirements;
Assist in fostering positive relationships among the Board, staff and community to support fulfillment of organizational mandate.
Serve as an ambassador for the organization;
General Duties
Prepare for meetings by reading agendas, minutes, reports and other documentation required to actively participate in them;
Attend meetings regularly;
Be an active participant on at least one board committee;
Keep up to date with issues and trends that affect the organization;
Participate in the review of the Board’s structure, approve changes, and assist in bylaw amendments;
Participate in the recruitment of new board members and staff;
Support and participate in the evaluation of the board;
Get to know other committee members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus;
Assist in the recruitment of new volunteers for all positions in the agency;
Participate in fundraising for the organization and any events related thereto;
Participate in orientation, educational and strategic planning sessions;
Understand and monitor the organization’s financial affairs including review and approval of annual budgets;