Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone TTY Phone Crisis Phone Website Hours
Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, Children's Day CampsMidland 705-526-7809 Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm Early drop off: 8 am Late pick-up: 5 pm, fee for early/late Dates: Winter Break, March Break, Jul-Aug
Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, Sweetwater Harvest FestivalMidland 705-526-7809

Sat, Sun 9 am-5 pm (call to confirm or check website)

Wye Marsh Wildlife CentreMidland 705-526-7809 Visitor Centre: Mon-Sun 9 am-5 pm Trails: Mon-Sun 9 am-4 pm
Open 362 days of the year. Only closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas and Boxing Day